Ellie is a loud, half-Jewish monster who mothers a geriatric Chiweenie named Molly. She graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2021 with a bachelor's degree in journalism and a minor in women and gender studies with a 3.8 GPA (because she's both brainy and beautiful and doesn't even know it!). She took two years of tap dancing in middle school and sometimes, when she's wine drunk, she still tap dances around the house, much to Molly's chagrin. To pay the bills, Ellie is a freelance journalist and has written for LAMag.com, Teen Vogue, and The Meteor. In her spare time, Ellie takes acting classes, does improv and standup comedy, and tries to get noticed on Tiktok. She is hoping to be the next Lucille Ball combined with The Hulk. She lives in New York City, so if you want to take her out for a drink or dinner there, please email her mother amyrudyis@gmail.com for approval.